Here is the 1926 Canada Census for Minerva 'Minnie' (Finnestad) Burlingame, daughter of Sikke 'Celia' Derdall* and granddaughter of Mari (Iversdatter Skaar) and Ole (Olson) Finnestad.
Minnie along with her husband Bruce and their children, Wayne and Glen were living in municipality and village of Rudy (sub-district 7. township 18 in ranges 22 and 23, west of the second meridian), Long Lake (District 22), Saskatchewan province, Canada. They are listed on lines 46 - 49.
*I've encountered various spellings of the last name: Derdall, Dirdal, Dirdall,
Minnie along with her husband Bruce and their children, Wayne and Glen were living in municipality and village of Rudy (sub-district 7. township 18 in ranges 22 and 23, west of the second meridian), Long Lake (District 22), Saskatchewan province, Canada. They are listed on lines 46 - 49.
*I've encountered various spellings of the last name: Derdall, Dirdal, Dirdall,