Based upon census records and the 1900 Reynolds Township plat map in Lee County, Illinois, Bert and family lived somewhere in the northwest corner. The records fail to provide sufficient information in which to pinpoint the exact location of where they lived. I believe it would have been somewhere within the quandrants 1, 2, 12, 11, 13 or 14.
The above listed quandrants are formed by E S Line Road on the east (border of Reynolds and Alto township, running east/west than curving north/south). Gittleson Road running north/south two miles west of E S Line Road. The southern border of the above quandrants would be Perry Road. The northern border of the above quandrants would be a Gurler Road and E S Line Road.
Intersecting this 6 mile square area would be Elva Road running east/west and Highway 251 running north/south.
Reynolds township adjoins and is east of Alto township where the Ole Sr and Ole Jr families resided in 1900.