Here is the baptism record from Calvary Lutheran Church in Lee, Illinois for Goodwin Cornel Finnestad, (#19) son of Rasmus and Carrie Finnestad and Oscar, (#32) son of Bert and Celia Finnestad. They are the grandchildren of Ole and Mari Finnestad Sr.
Goodwin was born June 7, 1892 and was baptized July 31, 1892. In attendance were his parents along with Rasmus' brother and sister-in-law, Ole and Caroline Finnestad and another person with a name difficult to read.
Oscar was born September 12, 1892 and was baptized November 13, 1892. In attendance were his parents along with Bert's brother and sister-in-law, Rasmus and Carrie Finnestad, along with other names I do not recongize.